Thursday, 4 September 2008

Grow up

All my life I have been told to grow up, it was the ex wife’s favourite put down but I have had it from teachers, my parents and once from the kind lady at the job centre who didn’t like the idea of me looking for a job that was fun.

Maybe its time you grew up?


I like to have fun, I like to giggle at cartoons and comics I know all the words to the Spongebob Squarepants theme tune and I think its important that comic book films get all the little details right.

I can talk to children on their level about things they like not just down to them and treat them as inferior people just because they are young.

I don’t sit staring blank faced at the soaps and I don’t care how “your” football team did at the weekend or who is in the final of the X factor.

I like to read actual books not trashy magazines about celebrities and what they are wearing.
I can quote Voltaire yet you think knowing the starting line up for England’s football team twenty years before you were born is somehow important.

I know that dna is Deoxyribonucleic acid, you know that it features a lot on Jeremy Kyle so must be important. I also know how a lie detector works and why it can’t be used as such conclusive proof

I know that when I die, my heart will stop beating, my brain will stop sending and receiving messages, I will be buried and my body will rot in short I will cease to be, you chose to believe that you will die, leave your body and live in the clouds with a bearded man who has been about forever and made everything.

I believe in free speech, I’m against censorship in all its forms (why hasn’t anybody from the BBFC ever gone on a rampage and killed and raped and maimed?) You believe what you read in the sport.

The only limits on what I think and do are my imagination your limits are scuppered with things like “I can’t do that I’m 26 years old now”

Life is for living and age is irrelevant maybe its time you grew up and realised this?

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