Thursday, 27 November 2008

The Ballad Of The Conceptual Depressive

People think I’m miserable, I suppose to a certain extent it’s true. I do moan about a lot of things, mostly it’s just trivial stuff, things of no great consequence in the long run of our short little lives.

And our lives are short people, and that my friends is why I bitch, whine and moan about the little things that bug me in the world.


I don’t agree with the people who say its too short though, “life’s too short to be miserable” Well if I live to be eighty fucking twelve and end up pissing in my pants, not being able to walk, not being able to see, being bat shit mental life is going to seem maybe a bit too fucking long, I’d rather die in my prime, well maybe a little past my prime but you know long before the rot sets in.


People put so much importance on such stupid things “this isn’t the coffee I ordered” Shut the fuck up, it’s a cup of coffee, the world is still spinning and there are people in the world with no clean drinking water let alone some poncey overly complicated overly priced cup of fucking coffee.

Does anyone else like to go into places like Starbucks and just ask for a cup of coffee? Really messes with them and their stupid self important system.


Anyway there are people in the world who have to walk miles just to get water, and that’s a terrible thing, it really is. I’m not one of those do gooders who come begging for money mind, why don’t they move closer to the water source? Isn’t that logical? I can’t be the only one who sits shouting at the television “Move house you dumb motherfuckers”


Its not like they have prime real estate as it is, they have no windows, they don’t admire the view and how much trouble would it be to build a new mud hut a mile down the road?


“this is Carmekka, she doesn’t know how to feed her 8 children …. Maybe, just maybe mind she shouldn’t have so many fucking kids then?


I know there isn’t a lot to do out there but maybe a bit of mutual masturbation; bit of oral hell even anal would have been a better idea than dropping that many kids when there is a famine going on.


Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for helping people, Drop the debt and all that but Jesus don’t you think they should help themselves a little as well? Cut back on the breeding and move huts it’s not a solution by any means but its going to help and a lot more than holding a concert hosted by that self important scruffy Irish twat.


There is another one who needed to stop breeding , I’m sick of the endless line of “famous” brats who think because their parents had an iota of talent they have the right to cash in on it. Peaches fucking Geldolf bitch can’t do anything, if her dad was anyone else she would be just another failed art student working at a supermarket and unlike the Osbourne’s her dad was shit and still is shit. The Boomtown rats fucks sake their biggest gig was live aid and if any other fucker had ran the show would they have been booked?


Ok who have we got .. Dire Straits, Black Sabbath, We are highlighting poverty by flying Phil Collins across the world to play twice, the boomtown rats, Status Quo, U2 ..


Wooo back up The boomtown rats? The I don’t like Monday’s bunch? The chandelier saxophone bunch? They were a shit band with what, two? ok at best songs. Having them play live aid is the second biggest ego stroke ever, having them play again twenty years later, is the biggest ego wank ever because the cocksucker was more self aware, that fist in the air drawn out silence that went on way too fucking long, the scabby white suit all had nothing to do with charity and everything about him and his desire to be heard.


It also infuriates me to be told to donate to charity by millionaires, put your hands in your own pockets first you hypocritical mother fuckers and its not just live aid, or live 8 it’s all of these televised events. Terry Wogan gets paid to ask us to donate our money? How does that work? How about you don’t put the shitfest out, save his fee and donate that instead?


Same with charity records, they are always shit, always without fail, there is no exception to this rule so stop trying to think of one.

Rather than pay 97p to hear a bunch of talentless wanna be’s off the x factor wail their way through a song, give say £1.50 to the charity and don’t inflict this shit on the world. You are never going to listen to the fucking thing anyway.


Here is a little thought to end on, the x factor has been going for how long now? Best part of a decade .. why doesn’t anyone who comes runner up reenter the contest?

Surely if they finish say, third one year technically they should win the next? As the second placed person always gets a contract anyway, rendering the first “prize” void.

Surely the longer this shower of shit goes on the less chance there is of finding any new talent leaving them with the scum they skimmed off the year before?


Its just a thought.

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