Thursday, 2 October 2008

A New Arrival in Happy Green Forest

Narrator: Today is a very special day in the Forest as some new residents move in and start to make friends with the other creatures that put the Happy into Happy Green Forest.

A woodpecker, wearing a climbing helmet and safety harness is cautiously tapping at a tree. Suddenly it starts to fall.

Pippa Beaver (wearing dungarees and looking skyward) : Tiiiiiiiiiiiimber!

The tree crashes down leaving the woodpecker dangling precariously by its harness.

Wallace Woodpecker (upside down and most upset) : What in the blazes do you think you are playing at?

PB: Fellin’ this here tree, like what I’m meant to … I shouted Timber

WW: Like you are meant to? Who are you and just what do you think you are doing?

PB: Well sir, I’m Pippa Beaver (offering paw to shake) , most folks call me Pip an’ I jus’ moved into this here wood of yours an’ I’m making me a home

WW (setting himself free of his harness, ignoring the extended paw) : It’s a Forest

PB (Putting her paws in her pockets) : Pardon?

WW: It’s not a Wood it’s a forest and we have proper houses with doors and windows and suchlike, we don’t make them we are not animals.

PB: Well I don’t know about any of that sir, I jus’ got here

WW: Jus’ I mean Just got here? And from where did you just get here from?

PB: Captivity sir, I was born and raised in captivity and now I done got reintroduced

WW: Captivity eh? I think I have a cousin down that way.. anyway what do you mean reintroduced?

PB: Well sir me an’ my fambly have been let out into this here woo.. I mean forest to live in. Not just us ... either there’s a big ole fambly of Bears, some wolves and I think some boars as well, but that might just be a rumour.

WW: What in heavens are you blathering about?

PB: Seems y’all critters been having a nice easy quiet life and the powers that be thinks its ‘bout time things livened up a bit round here

WW. Well we will see about that, Here in Happy Green Forest we live in a civilised society, a democratic society we have laws and we have order.

PB: Sure sounds mighty boring, what y’all do for fun round here?

WW: Well I am the scout leader and a climbing instructor in my spare time. I also host the book club and I am on the board for the May barn dance.

PB: Bet you play bridge don’t ya’

WW (smugly) well I have been known to play a bit in my time

PB: How ‘bout poker? I got myself a bit of a stash to play with

WW: Oh we don’t gamble here, this is a happy place full of joy and free from the dangers and corruption of gambling.

PB: Oh I see, anyway it’s sure been nice talking to you sir (extends paw to shake again) . Jus’ it’s getting late and I needs to get my place sorted before the bears come out.

WW (ignores the paw again) : Well like I said we live in houses here, but if you go and see the Mayor I’m sure he will arrange something, maybe one of the log cabins up by the lake I know one of those is empty, has been ever since poor Otto had his accident.

PB: Sure sounds swell, where will I find this mayor of yours?

WW: If you would like to follow me I’ll take you there myself, its not far

Pippa and Wallace walk into the distance towards the Mayors house, their conversation tapering off as they walk away

Narrator: You know what children? I think Pippa is going to fit in nicely here in Happy Green Forest, until next time, take care you.

PB: Who said that?

WW: Oh him, you’ll get used to that

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