Thursday, 7 August 2008

Anon No More

I have had an idea, a wonderful, glorious idea.

Are you ready?

Let’s burn Fleet Street.

Seriously let’s rid the world of the pompous, hypocritical, fear mongering idiots who claim to bring us the news.

Well their version of news

Poor tragic Britney

Poor tragic Gazza

Poor tragic Amy

I am pretty sure that if you stopped following them around capturing every “tragic” of moment of their life they would be able to sort themselves out a bit.

They mock the overweight and fear for the skinny

They build people up and take great pleasure in knocking them back down

They perpetuate the myth that football is important and feed the egos of the same players that they will later describe as disgusting animals once they believe that they are untouchable.

They feel that some mildly famous person sun bathing topless is newsworthy

They abuse the English language on a daily basis writing in a fashion that treats the readers like illiterates. Some of the words they use defy logic and reason and are more at home in a playground in 1983.
Bonk is one that always comes to mind straight away, Brangelina is another.

The continued existence of Page 3 girls is further evidence of stupidity and hypocrisy, you can’t claim to be the voice of moral outrage and deliver the news with tits splashed on the inside.

They are unbelievably biased about crucial world matters such as the “war against terrorism” desperately trying to rally support for what essentially is an illegal invasion. Only ever reporting on who many of “our boys” Have “tragically” lost their lives. Never a mention of the hundreds of thousands of people who have lost theirs trying to defend their homeland.

But that is a battle for a different time

What has riled me today is the suns idiotic, yet somewhat triumphant campaign to name Burial the artist who released his work somewhat anonymously. His name, Like Banksy’ is unimportant what is the next step?
A front page declaration that Father Christmas isn’t real?
What business is it of The Suns to unmask people like this? How is it in the public’s interest?
Do people suddenly like his music anymore or less now they know his real name?
And the joy they take in it is sickening and this in itself only further demonstrates the blatant idiocy of the “reporters” who fail to grasp the concept of something being just about the art.

I know I have said this before but nothing gets attributed to “anon” anymore and if rags like the sun have its way nothing will be anymore, they will name us all.

So lets kill them before they ruin everything, the world will be a better place.

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