Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Question Everything

Jim Morrison famously sang people are strange. I disagree with Mr Mojo, I say people, mostly are just stupid.

People by and large are little more than cattle, kept as docile as possible and encouraged to do little more than feed, breed, consume and most importantly conform.

In an age where free will and altruism are stifled we (the human race) are devolving. In an age where we have the greatest tool of communication and shared knowledge (the internet) The divide between nations are becoming wider and we (the human race) are becoming dumber.

The one key element to this is fear.

We are told to fear the internet because of peadophiles, hackers, identity theft and the frankly bizarre and idiotic notion that convicted rapists and murders have unchecked and unlimited internet access and may be stalking our children.

We fear the outside world due to such heinous acts such as the new found knife crime; as far as I am aware mankind has been stabbing each other ever since we had flint spears, lived in caves and it was still acceptable to wear fur.
It is only in this the age of stupidity, that taking the point off knives is seen as a viable and logical answer. We obviously can’t be trusted with sharp items anymore.

In fact we can’t be trusted do anything for ourselves anymore; warnings are printed on everything warning us of the potential dangers.

It isn’t simply enough anymore to warn us that smoking is bad for our health, it has to be banned and the age limit raised, warnings of impending death slapped on the front just to further hammer the (obvious) point home.

Going out and getting drunk is now binge drinking and dangerous when it used to be simply known as “the weekend”

The sixties gift to the world of free love is now riddled with a whole new universe of unpleasant sexual diseases.

We can’t even be trusted to decide what to eat, we need to be told that eating fruit and vegetables is good for us and that eating processed cheap meat full of additives and artificial flavourings is bad for us.

That being obese is unhealthy.

That free range and organic is better

After years of budget cuts and funnelling crap down out children’s necks it takes a “celebrity chef” to figure out and point out that this shit really isn’t cool?

We fear each other because of the constant threat of terrorism and while this may sound silly at the moment, there are little seeds starting to grow in the mindset of “you are either with us or against us” This is mainly kept to the uneducated masses of America where Muslims are the new Commies, and to even think about being against the war is unpatriotic.

Propaganda is a very powerful tool and one the governments of the world wield amazingly well.

So what is the answer?

People need to think for themselves, but you can’t simply tell people to think or more importantly you can’t tell people what to think because that would just lead us back to where we are now.

So we have to try and let them see things for themselves, a little nudge here and there, a few seeds of doubt sown here and there will give fruit one day.

We need to stop simply listening and start thinking.

Start a movement

Start a fire

Change the government

No vote no voice

Do something


Question everything.


Yes even everything I have just written.

Take a step back and think about it, don't just jump onboard

Because to except things blindly is plain stupid.

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