Three little letters formed into one word that speaks volumes.
Meh. Finishes conversations, there is nothing further to say.
Paris Hilton has a new perfume out ... Meh.
Brad and Angelina are on the cover of hello … Meh.
Hilary Clinton …Meh.
X Factor … Meh.
Jamie fucking Oliver … Meh.
It just cuts the shit, you know?
For a while now I have wanted to start a movement, a group, a gang, a gaggle, a posse ... whatever you want to call it. I know I get ideas above my station, delusions of grandeur but I want the power and anonymity of Chanology and the mindset of the Juggalos.
I think Meh, could be the way forward, The battle cry for the indifferent.
Join me, arm yourself with a marker pen and write Meh. Everywhere
On your next ballot card, money, charity envelopes, billboards, cash machines, anywhere that your indifference, our indifference will get someone’s, anyone’s attention.
And of course there is the internet …
Join the mindless gossiping pages and reply, have your say with those three little letters , use this email addy if you have to, sign them all anon and let them know that we just don’t care anymore.
If enough of us do it they make take notice, if they don’t well, Meh, we will have tried.
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