Tuesday 8 July 2008


Surrounded by history,

Surrounded by the events that happened before,

The battles have been here, so have the wars.

So much of this place is built on the past,

So steeped in the past,

The image of the future is sharper here.


However turbulent the events of before are,

They are the history that builds that helps build the future.


It has been therefore, it has gone

It has happened therefore, from that I shall build

It has happened before therefore, it is a guide.


In this place that is so much about the past, the future is clearer.

The past is the foundation from which I shall build a future.


From Romans to Vikings to Saxons to 21st Century man,

This place has it all.


This place is progress,

This place is the key to showing the path.


In this place battle have been fought and won,

The symmetry is there, that is what I can see.


With this message in my heart I lay the past to rest,

It is time to let it go,

The past is only a building block.


I leave this place that is so much about the past,

Feeling stronger, feeling clearer.


Tomorrow is a bright light,

Everyday can be a bright light.


In this place that is so much about the past,

I have found the; the belief for a bright tomorrow.


No more looking over my shoulder,

I am looking at the bright lights of tomorrow.

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